Why Overdose Awareness Matters More Than Ever

Why Overdose Awareness Matters More Than Ever

International Overdose Awareness Day, August 31st, began in Australia 20 years ago to raise awareness of overdoses, reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths, and remind us of the grief felt by the families and friends of those who have died due to substance use disorders (SUD). Today, International Overdose Awareness Day is recognized in more than 40 countries.

Isolation individuals have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated mental health and SUD challenges, and reduced access to supportive communities and behavioral health care. Substance use and overdose deaths have increased during the pandemic.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and others have developed approaches, tips, and guidance for managing your mental health during this time, as well as links for locating treatment for substance use disorders. Anton C. Bizzell, MD, President/CEO of The Bizzell Group, has dedicated his career to improving access to quality substance abuse, mental health, and medical treatment and prevention services, and writes about timely behavioral health solutions in his monthly Psychology Today column, Mind Your Health. You can make a difference too, by accessing these resources and promoting behavioral health in your community.

Read more: Why Overdose Awareness Matters More Than Ever

Dr. Bizzell Discusses Addictions on Landmark Recovery Radio

Dr. Bizzell Discusses Addictions on Landmark Recovery Radio

On a recent episode of Recovery Radio, Dr. Bizzell discusses his experiences working with state and local chambers of commerce and individual businesses on the opioid epidemic and offers his advice for those struggling with drugs and alcohol. He notes that prevention works, treatment is effective, and recovery is possible. Substance addiction is a community problem, and all key stakeholders must be at the table, including employers, teachers, healthcare workers, first responders, and clergy, among others, Dr. Bizzell says. Innovative solutions begin at the top.

LEARN MORE: Recovery Radio

side view of a person's head with a sunset image in it

Supporting Teen Mental Health During a Pandemic

Supporting Teen Mental Health During a Pandemic

Written By: Todd W. Mandell, MD and Rhonda Waller, PhD

The global COVID-19 pandemic is casting new urgency on the topic of teen mental health. Adolescence is already a time of significant physical, mental, emotional, and social development. It is normal for teens to experience a wide range of emotions and unpredictable moods. The COVID-19 pandemic has added a new set of  challenges as teens navigate disruptions to their usual school, extracurricular, and social routines due to lockdowns, social distancing restrictions, and uncertainty about the future. According to a review of relevant research published in June 2020, many teens may experience isolation and loneliness which could lead to or exacerbate feelings of depression and anxiety. Currently, there is little data that examines the impact of pandemics such as COVID-19 on teens’ mental health, though some researchers are starting to explore this topic. Oxford University recently initiated a study that will track adolescents’ mental health to identify factors that hinder and promote resilience during the pandemic. In the meantime, we know that rates of teen depression and anxiety have risen during the past decade.

A 2019 study that examined National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data found that from 2005 to 2017, the percentage of adolescents (12 to 17 years old) experiencing at least one major depressive episode increased from 8.7 percent to 13.01 percent—a 52% increase. In 2018, the rate was 14.4 percent—roughly 3.5 million adolescents. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that nearly one-third (32 percent) of adolescents 13-18 years old experience an anxiety disorder. A 2018 study that examined data from the National Survey of Children’s Health (2003, 2007 and 2011-2012) found that anxiety similarly appears to be on the rise.

While there is no conclusive answer for why teen depression and anxiety are rising, some common themes in research include:

  • Increased awareness about mental health issues might increase disclosure of symptoms and identification of mental health disorders.
  • Continuous exposure to social media and news that may have an adverse impact on teen’s mental health.
  • Increased social and academic pressures and expectations for youth may contribute to depression and anxiety.

In addition, health inequities and social determinants of health such as socioeconomic status, education, social support networks, and access to health care can influence adolescent mental health.

The bottom line, however, is that mental health disorders are a real concern for teens—and the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate these issues for some youth. Left untreated, mental health disorders can have a lifelong impact on health. Parents, teachers, coaches, and others who interact with teens should stay alert for signs of anxiety and depression. Warning signs and symptoms may include:

  • Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed
  • Avoiding school, activities, and social interactions with friends and family
  • Changes in grades
  • Trouble sleeping/concentrating
  • Engaging in self-harming or risky behaviors such as substance abuse
  • Chronic physical complaints
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Increased irritability or moodiness

The American Academy of Pediatrics’ parenting website offers  practical information from child health experts on how to support teens’ mental health  during the COVID-19 pandemic, including strategies for healthy routines, effective communication, safe virtual connections, family support, and physical and emotional health. However, parents who observe or are concerned about signs of depression or anxiety in their teen should discuss this with their pediatrician or a health care provider. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has also compiled a comprehensive list of Resources to Support Adolescent Mental Health. In addition, the National Institute of Mental Health recommends that teens save several emergency numbers in their cell phones to ensure immediate help for themselves or a friend in an emergency—including the non-emergency local police department number, the Crisis Text Line (741741) and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK).

From a public health perspective, increased screening for depression and anxiety and access to health care could result in earlier detection and treatment, which is particularly important during the pandemic. Many experts, including the U.S. Prevention Screening Task Force (USPSTF) and the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommend annual screening of teens for depression. Most insurance companies are now covering telehealth visits at the same rate as in-person visits, which may make screening and services more accessible for teens needing treatment. With growing awareness of the effects of the pandemic on mental health, it is now even more important that teens experiencing depression and anxiety get timely screening and treatment to improve their outcomes.

Todd W. Mandell, MD, Senior Associate, Addiction Medicine. Todd Mandell is a board-certified Psychiatrist with added qualifications in Addiction Medicine, and more than 30 years of experience in the field of co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders with a focus on direct patient service, program development, and administration. (LinkedIn)

Rhonda Waller, PhD, Senior Associate, Maternal and Child Health. Rhonda Waller is a psychologist with more than 25 years of professional experience in public health, education, and human services with an emphasis on program development, leadership development, capacity building, and training and technical assistance. (LinkedIn)

The Bizzell Group (Bizzell) was founded by President & CEO Anton C. Bizzell, M.D., a leading behavioral health expert and former Medical Officer for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Bizzell’s team of public health experts have created and led comprehensive behavioral health prevention and treatment initiatives and education and training programs. Bizzell’s recent work includes systematic, integrated approaches designed to effect lasting change in health and behavioral health care through work with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Department of Defense (DOD). Learn more about how Bizzell advances data-driven, research-informed, innovative solutions to solve complex-real-world challenges: https://BizzellUS.com/

Bizzell Supports NIDA in the Launch of Innovative Learning Tools to Help Manage Opioid Treatment

Bizzell Supports NIDA in the Launch of Innovative Learning Tools to Help Manage Opioid Treatment

In conjunction with the National Institute on Drug Abuse-Clinical Trials Network (NIDA-CTN), Bizzell announces the availability of three educational videos for healthcare providers managing opioid use disorder (OUD). The first two videos are animations that discuss overdose prevention. The third video is an interactive tool used to educate healthcare providers on OUD in an emergency setting.

Video 1Overdose Prevention Education for Clinicians Treating Patients with Opioids for Chronic Pain is an animated video that focuses on four key strategies: Reducing Risk for Development of OUD and Avoidance of Misuse, Identification of Risk Factors, Safety Planning, and Overdose Rescue Preparation.

Video 2: Overdose Prevention Education for Clinicians Treating Patients for an Opioid Use Disorder is an animated video that highlights three key strategies: Identifying Overdose Risk Factors, Developing a Safety Plan, and Overdose Rescue Preparation.

“These teachings are done in a simple, non-judgmental fashion offering the viewer clear and memorable points in assessing and managing opioid overdoses,” says Douglas L. Gourlay, M.D., MSc., FRCPC, FASAM, Former Director of the Pain and Chemical Dependency division of the Wasser Pain Management Centre at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, a reviewer of the video.

Video 3:  Buprenorphine Initiation for Opioid Use Disorders in Emergency Departments: Interactive Case Vignettes is a branching video, which is an interactive educational tool. It allows participants to select a healthcare track which results in varying outcomes. The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) is providing Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit and access to the tool will require the creation of a free ACEP account. Throughout the course, guidance is provided on the clinical management of OUD with a focus on screening, enlisting the patient’s input into their treatment, buprenorphine initiation, and referral to ongoing treatment.

After watching these videos, participants will be able to apply a patient-centered, shared decision-making approach while discussing the prevalence of overdose and the process of introducing buprenorphine in the ED for treatment of OUD. Participants will also be able to discuss chances for recovery as research suggests that patients are twice as likely to enter addiction treatment and remain in treatment at 30 days if medication is initiated in the ED.

The targeted audiences for the buprenorphine initiation video include: Emergency Physicians, Emergency Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Residents, Medical Students, Physician Assistants, Emergency Department Medical Directors, Hospital Administrators, EMTs/Paramedics, and other healthcare providers engaged in the practice of emergency medicine.

“This branching video effectively and quickly walks users through the most high-yield information in the most engaging way possible. Providers around the country should see this video before their next shift caring for patients with opioid addiction,” says video reviewer, Alister Martin MD, MPP, Faculty – Center for Social Justice and Health Equity, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital Emergency Department.

All of the above mentioned videos were funded in part with federal funds from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Center for the Clinical Trials Network Dissemination Initiative (contract # HHSN271201700059C). The content for the videos was developed by researchers and experts and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. These training resources should not be considered as a substitute for individualized patient care and treatment decisions.

  • This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the American College of Emergency Physicians, NIDA, The Bizzell Group, and Modern Epic. The American College of Emergency Physicians is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
  • The  American College of Emergency Physicians designates this enduring material activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate .with the extent of their participation in the activity.
  • Approved by the American College of Emergency Physicians for 1 hour of ACEP Category I credit.


Established in 2010, The Bizzell Group (Bizzell) is a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) certified strategy, consulting, and technology firm that specializes in program management, administrative support, communications and outreach, conference management and logistical support, health services and research, technical assistance, and training and development. Bizzell’s expert staff and consultants work on health, scientific, education, environmental, research, and information technology projects that advance national priorities. Under the leadership and vision of founder, Anton C. Bizzell, MD, the company has grown from a staff of two in one small office, to a thriving firm with three offices in Lanham, MD, Rockville, MD, and Atlanta, GA, with ongoing projects around the world. Learn more about how we develop data- driven, research-informed, innovative solutions to complex-real-world challenges: www.BizzellUS.com.


The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is a component of the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIDA supports most of the world’s research on the health aspects of drug use and addiction. The Institute carries out a large variety of programs to inform policy, improve practice, and advance addiction science. Fact sheets on the health effects of drugs and information on   NIDA research and   other   activities   can be found at www.drugabuse.gov, which is now compatible with your smartphone, iPad or tablet. To order publications in English or Spanish, call NIDA’s DrugPubs research dissemination center at 1-877- NIDA-NIH or 240-645-0228 (TDD) or email requests to drugpubs@nida.nih.gov. Online ordering is available at drugpubs.drugabuse.gov. NIDA’s media guide can be found at www.drugabuse.gov/publications/media-guide/dear-journalist.