Dr. Bizzell Shares Insights on Substance Abuse in The Philadelphia Inquirer Article

Dr. Bizzell Shares Insights on Substance Abuse in The Philadelphia Inquirer Article

Dr. Bizzell was featured in The Philadelphia Inquirer, the largest newspaper in the United States organized under nonprofit ownership. It has the 18th largest average weekday U.S. newspaper circulation and has won 20 Pulitzer Prizes. In the Philadelphia Inquirer article, Dr. Bizzell is included as a highly distinguished Substance Use Disorder Expert, shedding light on adolescent struggles with alcohol and drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article talks about how pandemic isolation has some teens turning to substance use. Dr. Bizzell shares that social distancing measures and new access to help through telehealth and technology during the pandemic paradoxically have made some aspects of drug treatment and counseling easier to find.

Dr. Bizzell Featured in Washington Business Journal

Dr. Bizzell Featured in Washington Business Journal

Dr. Bizzell shares his journey from physician to a businessman in a new Washington Business Journal series, “My Story,” in which business executives share their personal and professional backgrounds and journeys, their challenges, and their successes. Dr. Bizzell discusses how as an established business leader in the Washington, D.C. metro community and President/CEO of The Bizzell Group, he has defined mentorship as one of the company’s core values. He believes it is his responsibility to build a new generation of leaders, given his past experiences of overcoming racial inequity. Dr. Bizzell encourages future generations to see mentorship as their responsibility and as a solution to fight the racial injustices that too many people continue to face today.

Mobile Mental Health Apps: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Mobile Mental Health Apps: Weighing the Pros and Cons

By: Randolph Edmead, MS and Laura LaRue Gertz, MSW, LCSW

As symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression are increasing during the global COVID-19 pandemic, people may be exploring technology-based strategies to relieve symptoms and to supplement mental health care. Increasingly, telehealth is a service covered by insurance providers. In addition, many people are interested in using mobile apps to supplement their care, track and improve their symptoms, and take proactive steps to improve their mental health through strategies such as stress reduction, relaxation, and cognitive behavioral techniques. Yet individuals may also be wondering how to evaluate if a mobile app is useful, evidence-based, and will safeguard their privacy.

Technology-based strategies such as mobile apps for mental health have many potential advantages. Technology has enormous capacity to gather assessment and monitoring data that can provide valuable insights about symptoms, useful strategies and could lead to more effective treatment. Technology can help overcome access barriers for individuals with mobility issues, for individuals living in rural areas or areas with a shortage of providers, and for individuals who have been reluctant to seek conventional mental health services. And now, mobile access is even more important as individuals may be simultaneously coping with increased symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression during the pandemic, while experiencing isolation and reduced access to their usual support systems due to physical distancing.

Although there are many potential advantages of mobile apps to supplement mental health care, there are still many barriers and risks, including lack of effectiveness data; challenges with reproducibility, implementation, and dissemination; concerns about the privacy and confidentiality of data and use or misuse of data; and challenges with integration of technology strategies and data into the treatment plan and the health care system. However, there are useful, accessible strategies that can help people assess the safety and usefulness of a mobile app.

The APA App Evaluation Model is an evaluation roadmap to guide informed decision-making in choosing mobile apps in clinical care. The guideline provides a series of questions, organized by levels, that help consumers and providers decide whether to use a mobile app (Torous et al., 2018). This model does not endorse specific apps, but rather promotes a systematic approach to evaluating apps.

The five levels of the APA App Evaluation Model are:

  1. Access and Background: Assesses background information needed prior to evaluation
  2. Privacy and Security: Considers many aspects of app security and privacy
  3. Clinical Foundation: Evaluates any evidence for potential benefits
  4. Usability: Evaluates how usable the app is for the consumer
  5. Data Integration towards Therapeutic Goal: Examines whether the app’s output can be used in a clinically meaningful way

The PsyberGuide, developed through Northwestern University’s Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies with funding from the One Mind Institute, reviews and rates apps that claim to treat mental health conditions. The publicly available guide helps consumers make informed choices. PsyberGuide provides app ratings based on three metrics:

  1. Credibility: Evaluates the strength of the scientific research for the app, as well as the therapeutic interventions provided by the app
  2. User Experience: Uses the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) developed by Stoyanov et al. (2015) to assess the design and user interface
  3. Transparency: Evaluates the clarity of the app’s privacy policy regarding data storage and collection procedures of the app and associated servers

Technology will not replace the human connection that is a central part of the care of individuals experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression. But when technology-based strategies are thoughtfully developed, evaluated, and implemented, they have tremendous potential to augment and expand care, to enhance engagement and treatment, and to improve the quality of life for individuals living with mental health conditions.

Randolph Edmead, MS, Vice President of Federal Government Programs. Randolph Edmead has an extensive background managing large teams in the mental health treatment, substance abuse prevention and treatment, policy, and evaluation service areas. Mr. Edmead has over 18 years of experience developing, implementing, and managing the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Centers for Mental Health Services and Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention programs; providing curricula and training to SAMHSA and health care providers and staff on leading practices, human resources, accreditation survey support, skills development, and cultural competency; and consulting with healthcare organizations and treatment facilities. Mr. Edmead holds a Master of Science Degree in Clinical Psychology.

Laura LaRue Gertz, MSW, LCSW, Public Health Analyst/Scientific Writer. Laura LaRue Gertz has over 30 years of experience in health and mental health, as a clinician, analyst, writer, researcher, and project manager. She developed literature reviews and reports on evidence-based treatments for individuals with serious mental illness for a federal contract with the SAMHSA Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS). She has also worked on contracts with the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and numerous other U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies. Ms. Gertz holds a Master of Social Work Degree and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

The Bizzell Group (Bizzell) was founded by President & CEO Anton C. Bizzell, M.D., a leading behavioral health expert and former Medical Officer for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Bizzell’s team of public health experts have created and led comprehensive behavioral health prevention and treatment initiatives and education and training programs. Bizzell’s recent work includes systematic, integrated approaches designed to effect lasting change in health and behavioral health care through work with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Department of Defense (DOD). Learn more about how Bizzell advances data-driven, research-informed, innovative solutions to solve complex-real-world challenges: https://BizzellUS.com/


Stoyanov, S. R., Hides, L., Kavanagh, D. J., Zelenko, O., Tjondronegoro, D., & Mani, M. (2015). Mobile app rating scale: A new tool for assessing the quality of health mobile apps. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 3(1), e27.

Torous, J. B., Chan, S. R., Gipson, S. Y. M. T., Kim, J. W., Nguyen, T. Q., Luo, J., & Wang, P. (2018). A hierarchical framework for evaluation and informed decision making regarding smartphone apps for clinical care. Psychiatric Services, 69(5), 498-500.

Bizzell Launches Behavioral Health Advancement Resource Center to Aid Behavioral Health Priorities (BHARC)

Bizzell Launches Behavioral Health Advancement Resource Center to Aid Behavioral Health Priorities (BHARC)

August 10, 2020 (Lanham, MD)The Bizzell Group (Bizzell), an award-winning strategy, technology, and consulting services firm with a passion for improving lives, today announced the launch of the Behavioral Health Advancement Resource Center (BHARC). This new site presents innovative solutions for organizations of all sizes, in business, governmental agencies, and non-governmental organizations to some of the most critical issues affecting the well-being of the human race today. Chief among these issues are the opioid epidemic, substance use disorders and suicide prevention.

The increasing number of COVID-19 cases nationally and around the globe has heightened concerns about mental health and substance abuse and misuse issues. With stay-at-home restrictions, social isolation, and fear of contracting the virus as contributing factors for increased anxiety, attention to mental health is of greater importance than ever. This is especially true in lower socioeconomic areas where resources are limited. BHARC will serve as a valuable source of solutions to improve and maintain community health and well-being across the United States and around the world.

BHARC provides the following tools:

  • Subject matter expertise on the areas of substance use, mental health, vulnerable populations, HIV and AIDS, tobacco research, suicide prevention, maternal and child health and social behavior change
  • Technical assistance, trainings and innovative tools
  • News, media and industry insights

BHARC developed as a result of Bizzell’s work over the years within the federal health space, including:

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Office on Women’s Health (OWH)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
  • U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)

“At Bizzell, we are accelerating advancements in behavioral health, working with clients and agencies to prioritize prevention,” said Anton C. Bizzell M.D., CEO and President of The Bizzell Group. “Many communities are disproportionately affected and change needs to start from within the public health spectrum. This includes taking initiative on how we can provide resources to better improve clinical medicine, community health and maternal and child health so that we build healthy, secure and connected communities around our nation and around the world.”

For more information on The Bizzell Group’s Behavioral Health Advancement Resource Center or to sign up for the newsletter, please go to https://www.bharc.org

About Bizzell

Established in 2010, The Bizzell Group (Bizzell) is a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) certified strategy, consulting, and technology firm that specializes in program management, administrative support, communications and outreach, conference management and logistical support, health services and research, technical assistance, and training and development. Bizzell’s expert staff and consultants work on health, scientific, education, environmental, research, and information technology projects that advance national priorities. Under the leadership and vision of founder, Anton C. Bizzell, MD, the company has grown from a staff of two in one small office, to a thriving firm with four offices in Lanham, MD, Rockville, MD, Atlanta, GA and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with ongoing projects around the world. Learn more about how we develop data-driven, research-informed, innovative solutions to complex-real-world challenges: The Bizzell Group.